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Board of the Departmental Faculty of Medicine
Board of the Departmental Faculty of Medicine
The UniCamillus Board of the Departmental Faculty of Medicine is made up of:
- PRESIDENT – Prof. Barbara Tavazzi, Head of MSc Medicine and Surgery
- VICE PRESIDENTS – Prof. Emiliano Maiani
- Prof. Gabriella D’Orazi, Head of MSc Medicine and Surgery (Venice campus)
- Prof. Paola Cozza, Head of MSc Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics
- Prof. Gianfranco Peluso, Head of MSc Human Nutrition Sciences
- Prof. Daniele Armenia, Head of BSc Biomedical Laboratory Techniques
- Prof. Cinzia Ciccacci, Head of BSc Midwifery
- Prof. Fabio D’Agostino, Head of BSc Nursing
- Prof. Maria Rosaria Gualano, Head of BSc Radiology, Diagnostic Imaging and Radiotherapy Techniques
- Prof. Susanna Cordone, Head of BSc Physiotherapy
- Prof. Emiliano Maiani, Research Advisor
- Prof. Francesca Gioia Klinger, Delegate for Teaching