Archive of Calls for Researchers

> Competitions for fixed-term Researchers


Deadline: 22/08/2024   A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010,  in the version in force until June 29, 2022, the date of entry into force of Law No. 79/2022  –  issued through Rector’s Decree no. 392/2024, published on the Official Gazette No. 59 of 23/07/2024  – Academic recruitment area code: 07/MVET-03 Infectious and Parasitic Animal Diseases – Scientific area code: MVET-03/B -Parasitology and Animal and Human Parasitic Diseases


Deadline: 03/06/2024 extended to 17/06/2024– A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010,  in the version in force until June 29, 2022, the date of entry into force of Law No. 79/2022 for the conversion of Decree Law No. 36/2022 –  issued through Rector’s Decree no. 414/2023, published on the Official Gazette No. 36 of 03/05/2024  – Academic recruitment area code:  06/A2 General pathology and clinical pathology, – Scientific area code: MED/02 History of medicine


Deadline: 03/06/2024 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010,  in the version in force until June 29, 2022, the date of entry into force of Law No. 79/2022 for the conversion of Decree Law No. 36/2022 –  issued through Rector’s Decree no. 413/2023, published on the Official Gazette No. 36 of 03/05/2024 – Academic recruitment area code: 06/M1 General and applied hygiene, nursing sciences and medical statistics, – Scientific area code: MED/01 Medical statistics


Deadline: 03/06/2024 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010,  in the version in force until June 29, 2022, the date of entry into force of Law No. 79/2022 for the conversion of Decree Law No. 36/2022 –  issued through Rector’s Decree no. 416/2023, published on the Official Gazette No. 36 of 03/05/2024  – Academic recruitment area code: 06/A2 General pathology and clinical pathology – Scientific area code: MED/04 General pathology 


Deadline: 03/06/2024 extended to 17/06/2024– A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010,  in the version in force until June 29, 2022, the date of entry into force of Law No. 79/2022 for the conversion of Decree Law No. 36/2022 –  issued through Rector’s Decree no. 415/2023, published on the Official Gazette No. 36 of 03/05/2024  – Academic recruitment area code: 06/A3 Microbiology and clinical microbiology – Scientific area code: MED/07 Microbiology and clinical microbiology


Deadline: 07/03/2024 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010,  in the version in force until June 29, 2022, the date of entry into force of Law No. 79/2022 for the conversion of Decree Law No. 36/2022 – issued by Rector’s Decree no.401/2023, published on the Official Gazette No. 11 of 06/02/2024 – SC 01/B1 Informatics, SSD INF/01 Informatics


Deadline: 16/05/2024 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with time contract in tenure track (RTT) pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter b), Law No. 240  (as amended by Law n. 79/2022) – issued on 30/12/2010, with Rectoral Decree No 122/2023 published on the Official Gazette No. 31 of 16/04/2022 – SC 05/E2 Molecular Biology, SSD BIO/11 Molecular Biology


Deadline: 09/05/2024 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010,  in the version in force until June 29, 2022, the date of entry into force of Law No. 79/2022 for the conversion of Decree Law No. 36/2022 –  issued by Rector’s Decree no.409/2023, published on the Official Gazette No. 29 of 09/04/2024 – 05/E1 – General Biochemistry, SSD BIO/10 – Biochemistry


Deadline: 09/05/2024 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010,  in the version in force until June 29, 2022, the date of entry into force of Law No. 79/2022 for the conversion of Decree Law No. 36/2022 –  issued by Rector’s Decree no.410/2023, published on the Official Gazette No. 29 of 09/04/2024 – 05/F1 – Applied Biology, SSD BIO/13 – Applied Biology


Deadline: 09/05/2024 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010,  in the version in force until June 29, 2022, the date of entry into force of Law No. 79/2022 for the conversion of Decree Law No. 36/2022 –  issued by Rector’s Decree no.411/2023, published on the Official Gazette No. 29 of 09/04/2024 – 05/H1 – Human Anatomy, SSD BIO/16 – Human Anatomy


Deadline: 09/05/2024 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010,  in the version in force until June 29, 2022, the date of entry into force of Law No. 79/2022 for the conversion of Decree Law No. 36/2022 –  issued by Rector’s Decree no.412/2023, published on the Official Gazette No. 29 of 09/04/2024 – 05/H2 Histology – Settore scientifico-disciplinare: BIO/17 Histology


Deadline: 02/05/2024 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010,  in the version in force until June 29, 2022, the date of entry into force of Law No. 79/2022 for the conversion of Decree Law No. 36/2022 –  issued by Rector’s Decree no.408/2023, published on the Official Gazette No. 27 of 02/04/2024 – 06/M1 – Public Health, Nursing and Medical Statistics, SSD MED/01 – Medical Statistics


Deadline: 21/03/2024 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010,  in the version in force until June 29, 2022, the date of entry into force of Law No. 79/2022 for the conversion of Decree Law No. 36/2022 – issued by Rector’s Decree no.407/2023, published on the Official Gazette No. 15 of 20/02/2024 – 06/D4 – Skin, Infectious and Gatrointestinal Diseases,  SSD MED/12 – Gastroenterology


Deadline: 07/03/2024 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010,  in the version in force until June 29, 2022, the date of entry into force of Law No. 79/2022 for the conversion of Decree Law No. 36/2022 – issued by Rector’s Decree no.403/2024, published on the Official Gazette No. 11 of 06/02/2024  – SC 05/F1 Applied Biology, SSD BIO/13 Applied Biology


Deadline: 07/03/2024 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010,  in the version in force until June 29, 2022, the date of entry into force of Law No. 79/2022 for the conversion of Decree Law No. 36/2022 – issued by Rector’s Decree no.404/2024, published on the Official Gazette No. 11 of 06/02/2024 – SC 14/C1 General Sociology, SSD SPS/07 General Sociology


Deadline: 07/03/2024 – Public selection for the recruitment of 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract defined in accordance with Article 24, paragraph 3, letter b) of Law No. 240 of December 30, 2010 – issued by Rector’s Decree no.405/2024, published in the Official Gazette No. 11 of 6/02/2024 – SC 05/G1 Pharmacology, clinical pharmacology, and pharmacognosy – Scientific disciplinary sector BIO/14 – Pharmacology.


Deadline: 15/02/2024 – Public selection announced by Rectoral Decree No. 3/2024 published in G.U. No. 5 of 16/01/2024 for the recruitment of 1 fixed-term and defined Researcher reserved – pursuant to Article 14, paragraph 6 septiesdecies of DL 30/4/2022 No. 36, converted, with modifications, by Law No. 79/2022, as amended by Article 26, paragraph 5 of DL 24/02/2023 No. 13 – for individuals who are, or have been, holders of RTDA contracts for a period of not less than one year, as provided for in the previous Article 24, paragraph 3, letter a) of Law No. 240/2010, or for individuals who have been holders of one or more research grants for a total duration of not less than three years, as provided for in the previous Article 22 of Law No. 240/2010 – SC 06/F1 Odontostomatological Diseases – SSD Med/28 Odontostomatological Diseases.


Deadline: 15/02/2024 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010,  in the version in force until June 29, 2022, the date of entry into force of Law No. 79/2022 for the conversion of Decree Law No. 36/2022 – issued by Rector’s Decree no. 395/2023, published on the Official Gazette No. 5 of 16/01/2023 – SC 06/N1 Sciences of health professions and applied medical technologies, SSD Med/47 bstetric and gynaecological nursing sciences


Deadline: 15/02/2024 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010,  in the version in force until June 29, 2022, the date of entry into force of Law No. 79/2022 for the conversion of Decree Law No. 36/2022 – issued by Rector’s Decree no. 396/2023, published on the Official Gazette No. 5 of 16/01/2023 – SC 06/M2 Forensic and occupational medicine,  SSD Med/44 Occupational Medicine


Deadline: 15/02/2024 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010,  in the version in force until June 29, 2022, the date of entry into force of Law No. 79/2022 for the conversion of Decree Law No. 36/2022 – issued by Rector’s Decree no.397/2023, published on the Official Gazette No. 5 of 16/01/2023 – SC 06/G1 General and specialist pediatrics and child neuropsychiatry, SSD  MED/38 General and Specialist Pediatrics


Deadline: 15/02/2024 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010,  in the version in force until June 29, 2022, the date of entry into force of Law No. 79/2022 for the conversion of Decree Law No. 36/2022 – issued by Rector’s Decree no.399/2023, published on the Official Gazette No. 5 of 16/01/2023 – SC 06/M2 Forensic and occupational medicine, SSD MED/43 – Legal Medicine

  • Download Call RD 399/2023Attachments
    The procedure referred to in Rector’s Decree No. 399/2023 has been cancelled.


Deadline: 15/02/2024 – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010,  in the version in force until June 29, 2022, the date of entry into force of Law No. 79/2022 for the conversion of Decree Law No. 36/2022 – issued by Rector’s Decree no. 400/2023, published on the Official Gazette No. 5 of 16/01/2023 – SC 06/F1 Odontostomatological Diseases, SSD Med/28 Odontostomatological Diseases


Deadline: 18/01/2024  – A call for applications has been published for the recruitment of n. 1 Researcher with a fixed-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), Law No. 240 issued on 30/12/2010,  in the version in force until June 29, 2022, the date of entry into force of Law No. 79/2022 for the conversion of Decree Law No. 36/2022 – issued by Rector’s Decree no.250/2023 published on the Official Gazette n. 96 of 19/12/2023 – SC: 06/A1 Medical Genetics – SSD Med/03 Medical Genetics




> Calls for application for Research grant


Deadline: 12/06/2024 – Public selection for the assignment of n. 1 research grant pursuant to art. 22 of Law 30/12/2010, n. 240 – Academic Recruitment Field: 06/A1 Medical Genetics – SSD Med/03 Medical Genetics

Issued by Rector’s Decree n. 217 of 23/05/2023, published on the website


Deadline: 17/01/2024 – Public selection for the assignment of n. 1 research grant pursuant to art. 22 of Law 30/12/2010, n. 240 – Academic Recruitment Field: 06/A1 Medical Genetics – SSD Med/03 Medical Genetics

Issued by Rector’s Decree n. 389 of 21/12/2023, published on the website
