Filomena Pietrantonio
Medical Director of Internal Medicine Department at Castelli Hospital (polo H2), ASL ROMA 6, Rome, Italy. She received her medical degree from Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Rome and she has completed residencies in Internal Medicine (Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Rome), Clinical Psicology (University “Sapienza” of Rome) and Cardiology (Torvergata University of Rome). She received the Masters on Health Service Management at Italian Institute of Health (Rome), Economics and Management of Health Care at Torvergata University-CEIS (Rome) and Clinical and Economic Governance of Health Facilities at Torvergata University-CEIS (Rome). Dr. Pietrantonio has served as President of Medécins Sans Frontières Italy from 1996 to 1999 and she has a wide experience as Consultant in Developing Countries since 1995 (more than 50 missions abroad). She has a wide clinical experience in management of internal medicine patients, acute complex patients and emergencies. Moreover she is at the moment in charge of the coordination of the paths between different levels of intensity of care and is actively involved in the definition of the role of Internal Medicine Department in the future hospital and in the introduction of innovation in Internal Medicine Department. She started telemedicine project in Internal Medicine with randomized multicentric studies since 2017 and in 2019 started telemedicine projects even in remote areas in Brazil. Besides the clinical activity, since 1995, as Project evaluation Specialist in medical programs, she held significant managerial and operational activities in Italy and in international projects in the field of health planning, financial analysis of public health systems, health projects evaluation, staff administration, management and budget presentation. She has a wide and continuous scientific production on national and international journals in Internal Medicine, Oncology, Management and Health Economics (41 articles on national and international journals, 36 Oral Communications, 113 abstracts at national and international congress). She is participating since 1988 in national and international clinical trials and is coordinating National Clinical Studies since 1999. As a result of this expertise, she has been appointed to the Italian Journal of Medicine Elsevier Masson as Associate Editor and referee from 2006 and PLOS ONE as Academic Editor since 2018. By building quality initiatives, framework, and strategy over the years, she has developed a practical approach to educating medical students, residents, and practicing physicians about performance improvement in their practices. She is teacher at the Universities of Rome Sapienza, Tor Vergata and Roma 3 since 2001. She is presenting original contributions as Speaker and Organizer of scientific events of national importance since 2004.
Research interests
Internal Medicine, Acute complex patients management, Health Economics, Health Management, International Cooperation, Project evaluation