19th March: Father’s Day. We talk to Michele, the first student father to apply for the UniCamillus Baby Card.

And we also have a chat with Eleonora, the student mother who inspired this innovation 'patented' by UniCamillus.

Today is Father’s Day in Italy. How much do we talk about fathers? Never too much, considering that, at least from a biological point of view, they are inevitably the ‘other half of sky’ of what parenthood is, in bringing a child into the world.

As times change and gender equality progresses, we are in a period of transition in which there are different types of fathers: there are those who, culturally, still believe that the mother should do most of the child rearing, and those who, on the other hand, want to be as present as their spouses in the management of their children.

In the latter case, which is fortunately becoming more common, there is another obstacle: how well is our society structured to allow fathers to take advantage of services and opportunities that allow them to be closer to their children?

On this topic, today we present Michele, one of our MSc Dentistry students, who will become a father in June. Michele already knew about the Baby Card—a special card created in 2023 by UniCamillus Professor Sofia Colaceci, Delegate for Student Relations and Equal Opportunities and Programme Director of the three-year BSc in Midwifery at UniCamillus.

What is the Baby Card?

With the Baby Card, UniCamillus offers mothers the opportunity to reconcile motherhood with their studies, thanks to a series of advantages such as: reserved parking spaces close to UniCamillus buildings, allowing faster and more convenient access to university facilities; the opportunity to skip the queue at the university café and all catering services, saving time; and priority access to exams, making it easier to manage academic commitments. Another advantage concerns the Registrars’ Office, where the Baby Card gives mothers privileged access to avoid long queues. But that’s not all: the most interesting aspect is the opportunity to bring a newborn baby to the university, as well as a carer to look after the baby while the parent attends lectures. What if the mother is breastfeeding? No problem: with the Baby Card, mothers can also use the Baby Pit Stopa Unicef-approved breastfeeding room.

What does Michele have to do with all this? Michele was also the pioneer of the Baby Card for fathers: he wanted to play an active role in the care of his baby and asked for this service, which was previously only available to mothers. Naturally, the UniCamillus staff, who have always been committed to equal opportunities, accepted his request with great enthusiasm.

The UniCamillus Baby Card is now also in demand among fathers

Let’s have a chat with Michele and see if we can understand his needs as a future father.

Hi Michele! In June you will become a father and you have asked to bring your baby here. Usually, due to cultural stereotypes—which are luckily disappearing—mothers take care of babies: did it come naturally to you to ask for the Baby Card, or was there someone or something that made you come to this conclusion?

“It came quite naturally to me because I believe that parenthood is a shared journey and that the presence of both parents is necessary, both for the child’s well-being and so that the parents themselves can help each other with their daily commitments, such as studying and working. I think it is crucial to normalise the involvement of fathers so that sharing family responsibilities becomes the norm and not the exception”.

Although in theory the Baby Card is gender neutral, in practice you were the first man to apply for it. How do you feel about this pioneering role?

“I am proud to have been the first man to apply for the Baby Card and I hope that as a father I can be a good role model and encourage more active male involvement in parenting. I hope that my experience will encourage other fathers to take a similar approach”.

Are there other opportunities that you think should be made available to student fathers?

“Given that, culturally, we are not yet inclined towards total equality in the sharing of family responsibilities, it would be good to encourage greater involvement of fathers in child rearing. This could be done through training programmes to improve parenting skills or through empowerment strategies to increase awareness of a father’s role in the family”.

Do you know other fathers among your colleagues and friends? If so, do you also feel that they need to live their role fully?

“I have some friends who are fathers, but I notice that not all of them feel the same need to be actively involved in their children’s lives as mothers do. This is unfortunately influenced by cultural factors that shape the perception of the father’s role”.

Back to the Baby Card: which service will you use most?

“Among the services offered, the one I find most useful and which I think I will use most is the exam priority: this would allow me to optimise my time, reduce waiting times and allow me to best combine my academic commitments with my responsibilities as a father”.

We understand that the UniCamillus Baby Card has made it easier to return to studies after the birth of a child: is that so?

“Yes, absolutely! Such measures help to reduce logistical stress and manage time better, allowing parents to better reconcile family and academic commitments. I would like to thank UniCamillus for its attention to the needs of student parents, showing sensitivity and tangible support”.

Michele isn’t a father yet, so we can’t congratulate him on 19th March, but he certainly showed fantastic paternal instincts from the start, and his baby will be a lucky one indeed!

We should not forget the mothers who came up with the idea of the Baby Card in the first place

We are delighted that fathers are finally becoming more aware of their role, but let’s not forget that the Baby Card was created to allow Eleonora to continue her studies during her pregnancy!

And so, after talking to the first father who applied for the Baby Card in 2025, we must now remember who was the real pioneer of this service in 2023.

Hello Eleonora, you were the first mother to use the Baby Card: would you like to tell us your story?

“I was the first mother to use the Baby Card because it was created especially for me! When I found out I was pregnant, I immediately told my Programme Director as well as the President of the MSc in Dentistry before I told my family and colleagues! I was offered two options: either to suspend my studies and resume after the birth of my daughter, or to continue with the support of the University. I never considered giving up my studies: the course takes six years, I already have another child and I work. I couldn’t afford to waste precious time, so I decided to continue my studies. Professor Sofia Colaceci, Rector’s Delegate for Student Relations and Director of the BSc in Midwifery, had the idea to create the Baby Card. An idea that has become a reality, allowing me to combine study, motherhood and work without compromising my academic career”.

You were a pioneer! How did you feel?

“Being the symbol of this initiative was an honour, but also a responsibility: I worked hard from the beginning to promote this opportunity and within a few days we had two more requests for the Baby Card! This confirmed to me that this initiative could really help a lot of people”.

Has this initiative made your life any easier?

“The Baby Card has been crucial for my academic career as for my studies it’s compulsory to attend classes and internships. Thanks to the Baby Card, indoor parking spaces were created near the Rector’s Office and UniLabs, which allowed me to bring my baby in a pram without any logistical complications. Another important aspect was the dedicated breastfeeding room, which allowed me to breastfeed my daughter without having to take her into the classroom: Flaminia came to the university when she was only 33 days old, and UniCamillus gave me a room where she stayed with a carer while I attended classes. Of course, I owe a lot to my family, who took turns to drive me to the university and take care of the baby. During my pregnancy, on the other hand, I did not have any particular difficulties, although the possibility for mothers not to queue at the café was much appreciated! These support services have been crucial, but the real victory is the message the university has conveyed: recognising the needs of female students and student parents”.

What do you think about the possibility of extending the Baby Card to new fathers as well?

“Extending the Baby Card to fathers would be a fantastic idea! Parenting should be shared, and guaranteeing fathers the same opportunities as mothers would make a big difference. Too often it is thought that childcare is the sole responsibility of mothers, but men and women should have equal rights and duties in balancing family and career, including studying. The Baby Card for new fathers would allow more flexibility and access to university facilities with their children. Another problem is the timetable: nurseries are not compatible with student life: we often have to stay at the university until 7pm. Having dedicated services for fathers as well would make the university more inclusive. Extending the Baby Card would not only be a practical help, but also a cultural step forward in promoting shared and modern parenting”.

Is it difficult to bring a newborn child to university?

“There were certainly some difficulties, but the joy of being able to take care of my daughter without having to give up my studies was priceless. It was not easy to juggle classes, exams, work, a four-and-a-half-year-old child and a newborn, but that was my choice. I wanted to be a woman who could study, work and be a mother at the same time. If it hadn’t been possible, I wouldn’t have done it. The support of my family gave me strength, but my colleagues were also fantastic. Flaminia was our little mascot for six months. The university community supported me: the tutors were understanding and some encouraged me to bring her into the classroom. After six months, Flaminia started to wean and she stopped coming to the university. The hardest part was one week when we had classes and an internship from 8.30am to 8pm. I rented a flat near the hospital to manage everything. The days were hectic but the satisfaction was great: at the internship I was complimented on my preparation, the classes went well and Flaminia gained a kilo: it was one of the hardest but most satisfying weeks of my university career”.

Is there an episode from that time that sticks in your mind?

“One of the memories that makes me smile is when my daughter was sleeping in her sling during a class and in the middle of the lecture, she made a little noise. Everyone turned around and the teacher joked: ‘She’s in the class too! This child will graduate before all of us!’ It was a symbolic moment that normalised the presence of a mother with her child at university. Another unforgettable memory is the day I received my Baby Card, when I met Italian MP Maria Elena Boschi (MP Boschi was the guest of honour at a UniCamillus event on equal opportunities – ed.), who expressed her admiration for my achievements”.

Is there something you would like to say to other students who are going to be parents or have just become parents?

“It is possible! I don’t want to say it’s easy, because it’s challenging, but with the right support and a lot of determination it can be done. We must not be afraid to ask for help or demand that institutions help us. We are not just students, we are people with complicated lives and big dreams: the university should be a place where dreams can come true, regardless of our personal situation. And if I could do it, anyone can do it!”.