25th November – International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

On 25th November, the International Day for the Elimination of Gender-based Violence, UniCamillus University joins the world in condemning all forms of violence against women that undermine their safety, dignity and freedom.

Gender-based violence, in whatever form it manifests itself, is a crime that undermines the very foundations of a society worthy of its name.

UniCamillus University is firmly committed to combating this scourge through education, awareness-raising and the promotion of a culture of equality and respect.

We are already doing this to the best of our ability through our commitment to overcoming social gender injustice—a clear gender gap in science and academia. By fighting it, we want to help create a university community that not only promotes equal opportunities, but is also an example of inclusivity, where every woman can feel valued and respected. Combating gender-based violence also means working towards an environment where women have equal access to education, research and leadership positions, free from all forms of discrimination and abuse.

UniCamillus University reaffirms, now more than ever, its absolute determination to condemn and combat violence against women and to promote a culture of respect and equality.

We invite all members of our community to reflect on how each of us can do our part to stop violence: in our language, in our beliefs, in the way we live our relationships, in the way we treat each other on the basis of gender.

Gianni Profita
UniCamillus Rector