AlmaLaurea surveys confirm the commitment and academic excellence of UniCamillus Medical University

The Rector, Gianni Profita: “These are important figures that acknowledge the quality of the commitment and work carried out day by day by our thriving academic community”.

There is great satisfaction at UniCamillus with the data emerging from the AlmaLaurea 2024 Report on the profile and employment status of graduates. The percentages relating to the educational performance, student satisfaction rates and employment rates of recent graduates stand out significantly above the national average.

The AlmaLaurea Report surveyed a sample of around 300,000 graduates from 78 different universities in 2023. It emerged that 97.2% of UniCamillus graduates expressed satisfaction with their university experience. The figures show that, after graduation, 97.3% of those employed consider the qualification obtained “very useful” for work. This is backed up by the fact that 94.4% of graduates appreciate the positive relationship established with their tutors, so much so that 82.2% of those interviewed would enrol again at UniCamillus, on the same degree programme.

The university environment also played its part: 88.7% of the respondents found the classrooms, laboratories, infrastructure and tools provided by UniCamillus to be of a good standard.

These elements, together with the special attention paid to following the students’ educational pathway, favoured timely graduation: 92.8% of graduates completed their studies on time (84.2% for the three-year BSc programmes and 100% for the two-year MSc programmes). The overall mark average is in line with the above figures: 107.1 out of 110 (104.2 for the BSc programmes and 109.5 for the MSc programmes).

The international vocation of UniCamillus was also underlined with 19.1% of graduates coming from abroad, against a national average of 4.7%. Focusing on the three-year BSc programmes, the figure rises to 41.8% of graduates with citizenship other than Italian.

Finally, it is the data on employment within 12 months of graduation that show the extraordinarily positive results of our institution’s activities and the solidity of the educational project of a young and growing university. One year after graduation, 94.9% of former UniCamillus students are engaged in paid work or training—for comparison, the national average employment rate one year after graduation is 74.1%. Amongst the employed, 5.4% continued the job they had started before graduating, while 10.8% changed fields. 83.8% only started working after graduation: 35.1% as permanent employees, 10.8% as fixed-term employees, 5.4% as part-time employees and 48.6% as freelancers. As a final significant detail, the average salary of UniCamillus graduates is €1,654 per month as of their ‘first salary’, against a national average of €1,384.