Today was the long-awaited day: the first lecture of the MSc in Medicine and Surgery has taken place at the new UniCamillus University Cefalù campus. To be more precise, it […]
News in the category Featured

UniCamillus and Italy’s government at the Libyan-Italian Business Forum
The Libyan-Italian Business Forum was officially inaugurated in Tripoli by the Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and the President of the Libyan Government of National Unity Abdulhameed Mohamed Dabaiba. The […]

Paediatric stroke: an underestimated neurological emergency
When people talk about strokes, they do not think about children. But strokes can affect the very young, even the foetus in the last weeks of gestation.One of the most […]

25th October: World Pasta Day. Here are some more reasons to eat it.
Pasta and Italy are inextricably linked, there is no doubt about it! With more than 300 types of pasta currently on the market, it is certainly one of the most […]

UniCamillus starring in the University Championships: presentation of the tournaments at the CONI Hall of Honour on Friday 18th October
UniCamillus University is once again the main player in the Rome University Championships. Now in its 19th edition, the presentation of this new season took place last Friday at the […]

Medical English pronunciation, secondo anno del corso di fonetica inglese dedicato ai docenti di UniCamillus
The second edition of the course Medical English Pronunciation: an Introduction starts on 28th October. After last year’s success and positive feedback, UniCamillus has decided to propose the workshop again, […]

Robotic bariatric surgery: a collaboration between UniCamillus and Clinica Madonna della Fiducia begins
Obesity kills: no question about it. Cardiovascular events such as ischaemia, myocardial infarction and metabolic complications closely related to excess weight are the most common causes of death in Western […]

Agreement reached between Libya’s EMSC and UniCamillus on new CPD second-level course in Traumatology
UniCamillus’s international engagement is growing. In September, an agreement was signed at the University’s headquarters in Rome with the Emergency Medicine and Support Center (EMSC), the operational body of Libya’s […]

Unicamillus is coming to Sicily: a new Msc Programme in Medicine to start in Cefalù in October
Thanks to the collaboration between UniCamillus University and the Fondazione Giglio, a new MSc Medicine and Surgery will be starting in October in Cefalù, an extraordinary town in Sicily, along the Tyrrhenian coast, which is rich […]

AlmaLaurea surveys confirm the commitment and academic excellence of UniCamillus Medical University
The Rector, Gianni Profita: “These are important figures that acknowledge the quality of the commitment and work carried out day by day by our thriving academic community”. There is great […]

UniCamillus… and then what next? The path to professional success of Riccardo, MSc Nutrition Sciences alumnus
The experiences of our students are always important to us at UniCamillus because they are the litmus test that shows us the results of our work, our commitment and the […]

Our students and their success: the experience of Dr. Riccardo Muscatello
High cholesterol? Not just medicines, then. Nutrition is a great way to prevent and control hypercholesterolaemia and type 2 diabetes. Dr. Riccardo Muscatello, nutritional biologist and nutraceutical consultant at the […]