Minister Orazio Schillaci and Councillor Luisa Regimenti were among the guests at the first meeting
News in the category Featured

Summer School in Antwerp to prepare for future pandemics: a UniCamillus student’s report
From 19 to 22 September, a summer school was held at the University of Antwerp on the subject of “Pandemic Preparedness”. Thanks to the mediation of Professor Wolf, a UniCamillus […]

Facing a pandemic without repeating past mistakes: the experience of two UniCamillus students in collaboration with the European IDEAL programme
Last September, two UniCamillus students participated in the first edition of the IDEALiTER Summer School. Coordinated by the Université de Paris-centre but held at the University of Antwerp in Belgium, […]

UniCamillus POP Choir | 14th November 2023
UniCamillus POP Choir. First rehearsal: 14th November at 6pm – Room APT1 in main building, UniCamillus Via di Sant’Alessandro 8 – Rome.

Recruitment Day: UniCamillus graduates and healthcare companies come together
With stands, informational interviews, and CV distribution, UniCamillus graduands and recent graduates networked with the top healthcare companies in Italy. UniCamillus’s Placement Service organized a Recruitment Day today, Friday, 27th […]

Counselling and psychological support: UniCamillus sensitivity towards its students in times of difficulty
In recent years, the number of universities in Italy offering counselling services to students has increased exponentially. This was reported by Il Sole 24 Ore in an article in which […]

Ciclo di Conferenze di Terza Missione UniCamillus: Il Futuro della Medicina | 7th November 2023
Ciclo di Conferenze di Terza Missione UniCamillus: Il Futuro della Medicina | 7th November 2023

24 October, World Polio Day
Eradicated from Europe in 2002, polio still exists in some parts of Asia. Vaccination plans and surveillance systems are the only way to fight the virus worldwide

16 October, World Food Day
Malnutrition, undernutrition and obesity are global issues: we discussed food sustainability with Professor Maria Rosaria Gualano, lecturer in Hygiene at UniCamillus.

World’s Top 2% Scientists 2023: UniCamillus listed 6 times in the Global rankings
Stanford University has compiled a list of the world’s most cited scientists: 6 of them are UniCamillus lectures