Admissions for Transfers
MSc Medicine and Surgery
Rome Campus
MSc in Medicine and Surgery
TRANSFER NOTICE (RD 526 of 19/09/2024)
Pursuant to article 6 of the call for transfer, candidates admitted following publication of the ranking list or admitted following a sliding of the ranking list, must carry out the enrolment procedure within 31/10/2024 by 1PM, from the publication of their admission on the institutional website.
Enrolment must be carried out exclusively online through the GOMP student portal, following the instructions given in the Guide to enrolment for incoming transfers. The procedure involves the acquisition by the University of the documentation indicated below.
- enrolment application direct to the Rector and acceptance of the UniCamillus Code of Ethics;
- contract with the student;
- digital photo;
- identity document and tax code and, if foreigners legally residing in Italy, valid residence permit;
- privacy policy;
- transfer authorisation issued by the university of origin (except for candidates who have already graduated). Until the student has delivered the nulla osta, he/she cannot access classes and/or take exams. Delivery must in any case be made by the deadline of 31/12/2024. Once this deadline has passed, the student will be deemed to have forfeited and will not be reimbursed the amounts already paid.
- receipt of the payment of the first installment for a total amount of Euro 10,500.00 (ten thousand five hundred/00) equivalent to 50% of the total amount of the annual contribution as provided by the “ Tuition and Fees Regulations for EU and non-EU students A.Y. 2024/2025 -Rome Campus ”;
- revenue stamp in the amount of 16.00 Euros;
- receipt of payment of the regional tax.
For any further details on what is further detailed in the above-mentioned article, please refer to the Call for Transfer and the information available on the institutional website.
Please also note that once the procedure has been completed, if the candidate has taken additional examinations in the summer session at the previous university, he/she may request their recognition, within 30 days of enrolment, with an application for recognition of credits (see guide).
Any candidate who withdraws from the course or who, in any case, does not complete the enrolment procedure within the deadlines indicated in the present notice will be considered automatically forfeited and will not be entitled to a refund of the amount paid.
For all other fulfilments he/she must follow the indications and deadlines set out in the Call for Transfer.
Furthermore, we remind you that the payment of the amount due must be made only through the methods allowed by the University on the GOMP student portal.
No other forms of payment are allowed.
For any information or request for support regarding the above-mentioned procedure, please contact the Registrar’s Office at office@unicamillus.org or by telephone on (+39) 06 400640 from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
MSc Human Nutrition Sciences
MSc Human Nutrition Sciences
TRANSFER NOTICE (RD 228 of 31/05/2024)
Successful candidates who have earned the right to enrol in the second year of the course must complete their online enrolment by 1PM on 22/10/2024. Failure to do so will result in exclusion. The following documents must be submitted:
a) The enrolment application available online, addressed to the Rector, and acceptance of the UniCamillus Code of Ethics;
b) The student contract, signed for acceptance, available online;
c) A digital photograph (to be uploaded online);
d) A copy of a valid identity document and a copy of the tax code, and if foreign nationals legally residing in Italy, a valid residence permit;
e) The privacy notice available online;
f) A transfer clearance issued by the previous university, where required by current regulations (excluding candidates who have already graduated);
g) Payment of the first instalment, amounting to 900.00 Euros;
h) Payment of administrative fees amounting to 120.00 Euros;
i) A €16.00 revenue stamp;
j) Receipt of payment of the regional tax in favour of the Lazio Region.
Enrolment must be carried out exclusively through the GOMP student portal.
N.B. Payments referred to in points g), h), i), and j) must be made exclusively through the channels provided by the University on the student portal. No other forms of payment are permitted.
For further details on what is specified in the aforementioned article, please refer to the transfer notice and the information available on the institutional website.
It should also be noted that, once the procedure is completed, the candidate may request credit recognition within 30 days of enrolment by submitting a credit recognition request (see guide).
Any candidate who withdraws or otherwise fails to complete the enrolment procedure within the timeframes indicated in this notice will be considered automatically disqualified and will not be entitled to a refund of any payments made.
For all other requirements, candidates must follow the instructions and deadlines set out in the Transfer Notice.
Additionally, it is reminded that all payments must be made exclusively through the channels provided by the University on the GOMP student portal. No other forms of payment are permitted.
For any information or support regarding the procedure outlined above, you may contact the Student Office at nutrizione.umana@unicamillus.org or by phone at (+39) 06 400640, from Monday to Friday, 9AM to 2PM.
MSc Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics
MSc Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics
TRANSFER NOTICE (RD 213 of 22/05/2024)
Pursuant to article 7 of the call for transfer, candidates who have been admitted following an incoming transfer prior to 16 September 2024 and who have proceeded with pre-registration by the indicated deadlines, must proceed with online enrolment from 16/09/2024 until 13:00 on 26/09/2024.
Candidates admitted following publication of the ranking list or admitted following a sliding of the ranking list after 16 September 2024, must carry out the enrolment procedure within 26/09/2024 by 1:00PM, starting form the day of publication of their admission on the institutional website.
Enrolment must be carried out exclusively online through the GOMP student portal, following the instructions given in the Guide to enrolment for incoming transfers. The procedure involves the acquisition by the University of the documentation indicated below.
- enrolment application direct to the Rector and acceptance of the UniCamillus Code of Ethics;
- contract with the student;
- digital photo;
- identity document and tax code and, if foreigners legally residing in Italy, valid residence permit;
- privacy policy;
- transfer authorisation issued by the university of origin (except for candidates who have already graduated). Until the student has delivered the nulla osta, he/she cannot access classes and/or take exams. Delivery must in any case be made by the deadline of 31/12/2024. Once this deadline has passed, the student will be deemed to have forfeited and will not be reimbursed the amounts already paid.
- only if the admission is after September 16th, receipt of the payment of the first installment for a total amount of Euro 9.000,00 (nine thousand/00) equivalent to 50% of the total amount of the annual contribution as provided by the “Tuition and Fees Regulations for EU and non-EU students A.Y. 2024/2025 -Rome Campus ”;
- revenue stamp in the amount of 16.00 Euros;
- receipt of payment of the regional tax to be made directly to the Regione Lazio.
For any further details on what is further detailed in the above-mentioned article, please refer to the Call for Transfer and the information available on the institutional website.
Please also note that once the procedure has been completed, if the candidate has taken additional examinations in the summer session at the previous university, he/she may request their recognition, within 30 days of enrolment, with an application for recognition of credits (see guide).
Any candidate who withdraws from the course or who, in any case, does not complete the enrolment procedure within the deadlines indicated in the present notice will be considered automatically forfeited and will not be entitled to a refund of the amount paid.
For all other fulfilments he/she must follow the indications and deadlines set out in the Call for Transfer.
Furthermore, we remind you that the payment of the amount due must be made only through the methods allowed by the University on the GOMP student portal.
No other forms of payment are allowed.
For any information or request for support regarding the above-mentioned procedure, please contact the Registrar’s Office at office@unicamillus.org or by telephone on (+39) 06 400640 from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
BSc Health Professions
BSc Health Professions
Pursuant to article 7 of the call for transfer, candidates who have been admitted following an incoming transfer prior to 7 September 2023 and who have proceeded with pre-registration by the indicated deadlines, must proceed with online enrolment from 15/09/2023 until 13:00 on 26/09/2023.
Candidates admitted following publication of the ranking list or admitted following a sliding of the ranking list after 7 September 2023, must carry out the enrolment procedure within 5 working days, by 1:00PM, from the publication of their admission on the institutional website.
Enrolment must be carried out exclusively online through the GOMP student portal, following the instructions given in the Guide to enrolment for incoming transfers. The procedure involves the acquisition by the University of the documentation indicated below.
- enrolment application direct to the Rector and acceptance of the UniCamillus Code of Ethics;
- contract with the student;
- digital photo;
- identity document and tax code and, if foreigners legally residing in Italy, valid residence permit;
- privacy policy;
- transfer authorisation issued by the university of origin (except for candidates who have already graduated). Until the student has delivered the nulla osta, he/she cannot access classes and/or take exams. Delivery must in any case be made by the deadline of 31/12/2023. Once this deadline has passed, the student will be deemed to have forfeited and will not be reimbursed the amounts already paid.
- receipt certifying the payment of the first instalment of € 1.500,00 (one thousand five hundred/00) if admission is after 7 September;
- revenue stamp in the amount of 16.00 Euros;
- receipt of payment of the regional tax to be made directly to the Lazio Region.
For any further details on what is further detailed in the above-mentioned article, please refer to the Call for Transfer and the information available on the institutional website.
Please also note that once the procedure has been completed, if the candidate has taken additional examinations in the summer session at the previous university, he/she may request their recognition, within 30 days of enrolment, with an application for recognition of credits (see guide).
Any candidate who withdraws from the course or who, in any case, does not complete the enrolment procedure within the deadlines indicated in the present notice will be considered automatically forfeited and will not be entitled to a refund of the amount paid.
For all other fulfilments he/she must follow the indications and deadlines set out in the Call for Transfer.
For any information or request for support regarding the above-mentioned procedure, please contact the Registrar’s Office at office@unicamillus.org or by telephone on (+39) 06 400640 from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.